Stem Cell Therapy for Animals2024-01-12T17:55:17-08:00

Stem Cell Therapy for Animals

Welcome to the frontier of medical science!

You are about to embark on a journey of discovery as we delve into the world of stem cells. As a groundbreaking field in regenerative medicine, stem cell technology has the potential to rewrite our understanding of healing and rejuvenation.

What are Stem Cells?

Stem cells live in the body as reserve cells that have the ability to replicate and replace damaged or aging cells. A stem cell is an undifferentiated cell that has the potential to be any cell. This basic concept of a reserve cell is essential for maintaining the body’s overall health and integrity. There are different types of stem cells depending upon where they reside in the body.

The Beauty of Stem Cells

The science and behavior of stem cells as it applies to their use as a form of regenerative treatment have been studied for the last 20 years. Their existence and behavior have been known for the last 50 years. Early stem cell research has shown that stem cells can become any cell depending upon the environment it is exposed to, and the culture medium it is in. Inside the body or in vivo, the culture medium is our blood.

Within our blood and cells there exists a deeply complex symphonic-like orchestration of cell signaling mechanisms. Influenced by this niche, the stem cells receive ‘information’ from energetic, biochemical, hormonal and intracellular processes to activate their mechanisms of cell proliferation and differentiation. In other words, how many and who they become.

It has been studied that the biochemicals released secondary to certain emotional states play an integral part of the way cells behave. For instance, substances like oxytocin, growth factor, dopamine, vasopressin and DHEA are secreted in response to elevated and positive emotions of love, care, appreciation, and gratitude, while substances like cortisol, epinephrine, norepinephrine and histamine are released in response to depleting and negative emotions of fear, anxiety, anger, and frustration. In the presence of these molecular compounds, all cells will either proliferate and grow or go into complete cell arrest and death respectively.

Overall Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy

Today, several veterinary diseases may be treated with the administration of stem cells. This is possible because these cells present a high therapeutic potential. Almost all animal tissues may be repaired or regenerated by the direct action of stem cells which presents a high potential for multiplication and differentiation. Stem cell therapies have also been shown to extend lifespan and reduce tissue injury.
Stem cell therapy has been shown to:

  • Decrease pain
  • Increase mobility
  • Decrease cognitive decline
  • Reverse biological clocks
  • Regenerate damaged tissues
  • Rejuvenate organ and cell function
  • Reestablish balance


Stem cells currently being used in veterinary medicine are harvested from adipose (fat) cells. These are the Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) that reside in these tissues.

Germ Layer-Derived Stem Cells

  • These stem cells (MSC) are specific to certain tissues
  • Mostly limited to the use for bone, muscle, cartilage, tendons and ligaments
  • The effectiveness of the stem cells may decline with age
  • Harvested from fat in animals
  • Requires multiple veterinary visits over 1-2 weeks
  • Requires 1-2 anesthetic procedures
  • Possibility of injection site infection, inflammation
  • Concerns of use with potential contraindications with cancer patients


Pluripotent Stem cells

  • VSELs (Very Small Embryonic- Like Stem Cells)
  • These cells live in a hibernated state in the bloodstream, and remain much younger biologically than all the other stem cells in the body
  • These cells can form or differentiate into any and all cells of the body
  • Non-tumorigenic and have unique regenerative properties
  • Each treatment requires only one veterinary visit
  • No anesthesia necessary
  • Uses your pet’s own blood
  • No incompatibility reactions
  • Safe to use in the face of all underlying conditions, including cancer
Why would I consider stem cell therapy for my pet?2024-01-09T03:34:19-08:00

Stem cell therapy has become a field of intrigue and hope for many animals due to its promise in regenerative medicine. The primary reason why many individuals and healthcare practitioners say ‘yes’ to stem cell treatments is due to the potential to differentiate into any type of cell in the body. This gives stem cells the power to replace worn out or damaged tissues due to disease offering the possibility of rejuvenation and great levels of recovery.

Are there pets that have been already treated and benefited from this type of innovative therapy?2024-01-12T08:58:49-08:00

Yes, there are many cases varying from neurologic conditions, IVDD (Intervertebral Disc Disease), osteoarthrosis, heart disease, tracheal collapse, neoplasia and other inflammatory conditions that have benefitted from its use.

Is there special training that is needed to use this technology?2024-01-09T03:33:10-08:00

Yes, the practitioner is required to undergo intensive training on the scientific theory, technology, and application to become a certified SONG laser practitioner.

How many treatments does my pet need?2024-01-09T03:32:35-08:00

Depending upon what condition is being treated it could be from 1 – 3 treatments.

How long will it take to see the effects?2024-01-09T03:20:03-08:00

This varies, but the effects have been shown to alter the clinical signs within the first 24 hours, sometimes sooner, and can continue to have effective changes over the following 3-4 months.

How long do the effects last?2024-01-09T03:19:08-08:00

In the animal world this is not known due to the limited cases, however, in humans it can last for years and in some cases curative.

What can I expect during the visit?2024-01-09T03:11:45-08:00

Upon arrival, you will be greeted by the reception to check in for your visit. Our team will take your pet to the back, place an IV catheter, and draw a blood sample. During this time, you will be in a room speaking to Dr. Sands to solidify the current needs of your pet. When your pet joins in the room, Dr. Sands will activate the stem cells from your pet’s plasma using the SONG laser technology. After activation, the stem cells will be reintroduced into your pet via the IV catheter and Dr. Sands will direct the cells with the laser. After treatment, the IV catheter is pulled and you both go home.

How long is the treatment?2024-01-09T03:10:51-08:00

The treatment process can take 60-90 minutes.  Please be prepared for this time frame, if you are going to be present.

Do I need to be present?2024-01-09T03:09:57-08:00

No, the owner does not need to be present.  However, they are welcomed to be a part of the process as an integral participant of the healing mechanisms.

Will my animal need sedation?2024-01-09T03:09:17-08:00

As most animals are cooperative, there are those that may require a mild sedative. Animals that may benefit from intraarticular (into the joint space) injections, will require a heavier sedation and due to the sterility of the process the treatment will be performed in the back room, without the owner present.

Are there any medications that can diminish to effects of the treatment?2024-01-09T03:08:44-08:00

Yes, it is recommended that the use of any steroids, and NSAIDs be stopped prior to the treatment.

What do I do if my animal is very anxious?2024-01-09T03:06:16-08:00

There are various ways to help calm an animal including herbs, supplements, flower essences, essential oils, energetic calming techniques to pharmaceuticals. During your consultation with Dr. Sands, she can discuss these options as needed.

What species does it help?2024-01-08T03:33:09-08:00

Because we are using the animal’s own VSELs, it can be used on all species.

What is the cost?2024-01-12T09:04:45-08:00

Each treatment is $3,000.00 – $4,00.00 and includes pre and post-DNA methylation biological clock measurements. Use of additional treatments can be discussed as a package therapy. In comparison, the cost of the currently used Mesenchymal Stem Cell therapy is $5,000.00 – $7,000.00.

Does pet insurance cover this?2024-01-08T03:29:35-08:00

Yes, there are a variety of insurance companies that cover stem cell therapy as long as it is prescribed by a veterinarian. Inquire with your company of choice, as some companies offer coverage for other integrative therapies for a slightly increased premium.

Can it help reverse the biological clock?2024-01-08T03:24:57-08:00

In humans, each treatment has been shown to reverse the biological clock by 3 years. Persons who have received repeated treatments are now as much as 12-18 years younger biologically than their chronological age. It is currently unknown how this will affect your pet. Dr. Sands is currently studying this as she will obtain pre and post-treatment samples from each patient.

Am I eligible to participate in a study?2024-01-08T03:22:05-08:00

Yes, depending upon the individual case Dr. Sands can discuss this with you during your initial consultation.

Are there other therapies my animal will receive during the visit?2024-01-08T03:18:42-08:00

The visit is primarily for the stem cell treatment, however various other healing protocols, supplements, and nutrition can be discussed.

Can I get this therapy too?2024-01-08T03:14:18-08:00

Yes, for more information you can speak to Dr. Sands.

Are there other veterinarians doing this procedure?2024-01-04T16:54:52-08:00

Yes, there is a small set of veterinarians currently trained using this innovative technology.


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